December Newsletter December Newsletter

Democracy” by pedrosimoes7 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Welcome to the December issue of the newsletter! Below are some of the updates:

  • The White House has announced that they will co-host the Second Summit for Democracy on March 29-30, 2023 with the governments of Costa Rica, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, and the Republic of Zambia. Read the official announcement here
  • The Youth and Democracy Cohort is developing a handbook that gathers the best initiatives for including youth in democratic processes. The cohort is actively looking for more initiatives to include in this handbook. Interested in adding your initiative? Email Juela Hamati from EDYN ([email protected]) for more information. They are also working on a menu of possible commitments. Check out the Youth and Democracy Cohort newsletter here.

  • International IDEA and the European Commission are holding a Summit for Democracy Year of Action Dialogue: Beyond the Summit for Democracy, Opportunities and The Way Forward on 13 December 2022. Sign up here (Hybrid person event in Brussels)

  • As news broke this week about the second Summit for Democracy, online chatter about the summit and Democracy Cohorts spiked in places like India, the United States, Brazil, Mexico and Japan. Accountability Lab has been monitoring conversations around the #SummitforDemocracy and the past month saw conversations reach nearly 50 million people online. Find the infographic here.

Read the full newsletter here.

December 6, 2022|Blog, Newsletter|
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