This is a page to help coordinate civil society inputs into the Summit for Democracy Year of Action (YoA) and to support the transparency and effectiveness of the process as a whole. It includes all of the information we are able to bring together related to Democracy Cohorts and Working Groups in particular. If you have additional information about these processes or are involved in other initiatives around the Summit for Democracy and would like to host information about those efforts here, please email us at [email protected].


Democracy Cohorts are official committees, co-led by governments and civil society, to take concerted action toward commitment implementation in areas of common interest. During the Summit for Democracy’s Year of Action, governments, civil society, and private sector stakeholders are coming together through Democracy Cohorts. Each Democracy Cohort brings together governments and authorities that demonstrate political will toward progress on Summit commitments in a specific issue area with key non-governmental stakeholders invested in the outcome.

For detailed analyses on cohorts, check out International IDEA’s cohort page here

The Civic Space cohort is
led by Norway, the Czech
Republic, and the
International Center for
Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL).

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The cohort is led by Lithuania, Freedom House, and Alliance of Democracies.

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The Disability Rights Cohort is led by the Government of Australia and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES).

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The cohort is hosted by Latvia, Canada, and Alliance for Securing Democracy.
Contact Laura Thornton for more information.

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The United States government, Open Government Partnership, and the Brookings Institution jointly launched…

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The cohort on Gender Equality as a prerequisite for Democracy is jointly led by Sweden, Romania, Georgetown University’s Institute for…

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This cohort is run by India and the Wadhwani Foundation.

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The Inclusive Democracy cohort is run by Spain, CERMI, and Fundación Triángulo.

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Anticorruption Policies as a Guarantee for National Security, Stability, and Sovereign Policy.

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The cohort is led by Moldova, Transparency International, and Basel Institute.

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This cohort is run by the United States and AFL-CIO.

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The overarching aim of the Technology for Democracy Cohort, as part of the overall ‘Year of Action’ to support the Summit for Democracy (S4D2) process.

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The Deliberative Democracy and Citizens’ Assemblies Cohort is sponsored by the Government of Ireland and supported by the European Commission.

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The Rule of Law cohort is run by Dominican Republic, Kosovo, and the Kosovo Law Institute.

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The Media Freedom Cohort is led by Canada, the Netherlands, and Internews. For more information or to join the cohort.

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The Youth Participation Cohort of the Summit for Democracy is devised as an inclusive platform to take meaningful action toward…

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The Election Integrity Cohort is led by India with co-leads Greece, Mauritius and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems. The cohort undertakes collaborative…

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These groups have come together to work on issues related to the Summit For Democracy.


The S4D Commitment Tracking Working Group- is a group of civil society organizations working to help support tracking of progress S4D commitments across countries. Currently the group is composed of the following organizations: Accountability Lab, Carter Center, Council for Global Equality, Freedom House, International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), IDEA, Oxfam and the Open Government Partnership (OGP). For more information or to join the group, please contact: Annika Silva-Leander: [email protected]


AITI-TraCCC is excited to launch its S4D Working Group on Kleptocracy and Illicit Trade – a civil society-driven dialogue to fight corruption and money laundering to defend democracy against authoritarianism, confront hubs of illicit trade, and safeguard human rights and security.

Learn more here >


The mission of the Humanitarian Security Challenges Working Group (HSC-WG) is to provide a professional framework that can be used to collectively analyze the increasingly complex challenges that impact search and rescue teams and emergency medical teams in armed conflicts and other insecure environments. This includes those challenges that impact the provisioning of independent, impartial, and neutral assistance to vulnerable populations in active conflict areas.

The goal of this working group is to identify new processes, procedures, and methodologies that could be used to address all of these challenges. This will be achieved through four main activities by the members: 1) Describing; 2) Evaluating; 3) Networking; 4) Sharing.

For more information or to join the group, please contact: Michael Walsh, Senior Adjunct Fellow, Pacific Forum, at [email protected].

Learn more here

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