Summit for Democracy Year of Action Dialogue: Beyond the Summit for Democracy, opportunities and the way forward

Summit for Democracy Year of Action Dialogue: Beyond the Summit for Democracy, opportunities and the way forward

21 Dec 2022

This event sought to clarify the opportunities created by the S4D process. It consisted of three sessions: ‘Embracing the opportunities of the S4D process’, ‘Ensuring the continuity of the S4D process beyond the S4D’ and ‘Assessing the modalities and achievements of the democracy cohorts’.

The panels firstly allowed for governments, civil society and other relevant stakeholders to take stock on the good practices of the Summit for Democracy implementation process so far. It then looked at the role that EU Member States can play beyond the Year of Action and the second S4D, and finally it looked at the value of the democracy cohorts and the dynamics of bringing governments and civil society together to shape future action on commitments. The event featured speakers from EU institutions, government representatives from EU Member States, Africa and North America, and civil society organizations.

The event highlighted that the S4D process is a unique international forum that allows for mutual planning and strategies on democratic defence, for formulating effective narratives, and making meaningful progress. As the defence of democracy cannot be delayed, EU institutions and Member States have a critical role to play. However, partnerships and collaborations are needed beyond those between governments in order to ensure that S4D goals are achieved.

Read more at International IDEA

December 21, 2022|News|
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