Whistling at the Fake – International Final Conference
5 May 2022 - 6 May 2022 14:00 - 15:45
Virtual Event | Organised by Manchester Metropolitian University | Held in London in EnglishDefending against authoritarianism
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We are delighted to invite you to the Final International Conference (Online) of the project “Whistling at the Fake: The Crucial Role of Whistleblowers in Countering Disinformation” (https://www.whistlingatthefake.com/), which is an international research project funded by the NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division. Please find attached the related program of the event, which will be held on Zoom (free registration) on the 5th and 6th of May 2022 from 2:10 pm onwards.
By exploring the means and mode of spread of mis/disinformation and disinformation, and how this affects individuals’ perceptions and decision-making ability, the project aims at increasing knowledge, awareness, and understanding amongst citizens on methods of identifying false information, and providing a set of practical suggestions individuals may be able to use when countering disinformation, propaganda, and other hostile information activities more broadly. Further, the project considers the role and effectiveness of whistleblowers and knowledgeable insiders as a means of exposing hostile information activities and increasing public resilience to acts of this nature.
During the event, not only our terrific panelists will illustrate and discuss cases of hostile and misleading information as well as the crucial role that reporting persons play in countering such phenomena, but we will also have the opportunity to listen to and learn from the reflections delivered from several amazing whistleblowers, who had the courage of fighting disinformation unveiling the truth including Dawn Wooten, Virginia Burkett, Babak Babakinejad, and Brittany Nicole Kaiser.
The event will take place on Zoom on the following dates:
DAY 1 – 5th of May 2022 from 2:15 pm British Summer Time:
Register for free at: https://mmu-ac-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_PyrPH1glQ7WftOzJrEWPDQ
DAY 2 – 6th of May 2022 from 2:10 pm British Summer Time:
Register for free at: https://mmu-ac-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_K5SQLjwkQqyKjwcCoelVcQ
Whistling at the Fake, is managed by The Manchester Metropolitan University in cooperation with Boston College Law School, the Università degli Studi di Padova, and Tilburg University.
We would be delighted if you would like to join what promises to be a great discussion!
Dawn Wooten, Virginia Burkett, Babak Babakinejad, Brittany Nicole Kaiser, and more