Unlocking corruption: Frontline perspectives on locally-led solutions

8 December 2021  09:30 - 11:00

Virtual Event | Organised by Global Integrity and Open Government Partnership (OGP) | Held in United States in English
Contact details: [email protected]
Addressing and fighting corruption
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Corruption persists because it suits the interests of powerful players, and because anti-corruption initiatives often fail to unlock the political-economy drivers that hold corruption in place.

Our aim with this event is to contribute to an open, ongoing and globally inclusive conversation about the value, and limits, of locally-led approaches to unlocking the drivers of corruption, and how such approaches can best be supported.

We will do this by facilitating a conversation about countries’ policy journeys, the implementation and impact of policy commitments, the value of external assistance, and the role that Global Summits can play in advancing effective and locally-led approaches to tackling corruption.

Our hope is that such conversations – which put the first-hand experience of people on the front lines of the fight against corruption center stage – will increasingly inform policy commitments and investments to address corruption, so that they contribute to effective anti-corruption initiatives, with strong local leadership.


  • Introduced and chaired by Pallavi Roy, SOAS-ACE Anti-Corruption Research Partnership Consortium, SOAS, University of London
  • Three brief presentations by anti-corruption champions from Africa, Asia and Latin America:
    1. Nkemdilim Ilo: CEO of Public and Private Development Centre, Nigeria
    2. Raphael Fuentes, Director General, Public Procurement, Panama
    3. Aryanto Nugroho: National Coordinator, Publish What You Pay, Indonesia
  • Reflections from Abigail Bellows, Deputy, Policy, USAID Anti-Corruption Task Force
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