The Chilling Effect: Hate, Misogyny and the Digital Information Disorder

7 December 2021  10:00 - 11:30

Virtual Event | Organised by National Democratic Institute | Held in in English with interpretation available in Arabic, French, and Spanish
Contact details: [email protected]
Advancing respect for human rights
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Although the digital space continues to extend the promise of extraordinary opportunities for expanding the voice and agency of women, girls and marginalized groups, it has fallen short of our ideals. It has enabled the transfer to the online space of the misogyny that politically-active women face in person, as well as supported the deliberate assault on the political activism of women and girls by authoritarians and those with illiberal tendencies. The impact of these dynamics is to have a chilling effect on the political ambitions, engagement and empowerment of women and girls, causing many not to step forward, to withdraw or to self-censor. In a moderated conversation political women, activists, journalists and industry insiders will discuss what needs to be done to address the digital information disorder.


Guests include:

  • Jennifer Klein, Co-Chair and Executive Director of the White House Gender Policy Council (Moderator)
  • Nighat Dad, Executive Director of the Digital Rights Foundation
  • Patrícia Campos Mello, Journalist at Folha and Associate Research Scholar at Columbia University
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