Taking on Kleptocrats

17 November 2021  08:00 - 09:30

Virtual Event | Organised by IFES | Held in Virtual in English
Contact details: [email protected]
Addressing and fighting corruption
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Corruption is a triple threat to democracies: It perpetuates unjust systems of power; stunts the ability of governments to deliver; and erodes trust in democratic institutions.

On 15 September 2021, IFES launched the new Center for Anti-Corruption and Democratic Trust to focus resources, partnerships and attention on the foundational role that electoral and political corruption plays in wider issues of kleptocracy, clientelism, and state capture.

Looking ahead to the U.S. Summit for Democracy in December, our inaugural event for a global audience will highlight advances on anti-corruption and counter-kleptocracy efforts in the U.S., and how these are beneficial – or replicable – for other countries.


  • Opening remarks: Anthony N. Banbury, International Foundation for Electoral Systems
  • Panelists: Gary Kalman, Transparency International; Paul Massaro, Helsinki Commission
  • Moderator: Katherine Ellena, IFES Center for Anti-Corruption & Democratic Trust
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