Restoring Democracy, Human Rights, and Self-Determination in Haiti

7 December 2021  12:00 - 13:00

Virtual Event | Organised by Faith in Action International | Held in United States/Haiti in English/Haitian Creole
Contact details: [email protected]
Advancing respect for human rights
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Join Haitian and diaspora civic and faith leaders, members of the U.S. House Haiti Caucus, and former Haiti Special Envoy Ambassador Daniel Foote for a discussion of the role of civil society in restoring democracy and security in Haiti. A critical test for the Biden Administration’s Democracy Summit is whether the U.S. is willing to practice what it preaches with its closest neighbors. We will discuss ongoing efforts to change U.S. policy toward Haiti to halt deportations that are destabilizing the country and support a broad civil society-led transition to democracy, human rights, and locally-led development.


  • Senator Edgard Leblanc Fils, signatory to the Montana Accord of the Citizen’s Commission for a Haitian Solution to the Crisis
  • Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Co-chair, U.S. House of Representatives Haiti Caucus (invited)
  • Ambassador Daniel Foote, former Special Envoy to Haiti
  • Francois Pierre-Louis, Faith in Action International Haiti Director
  • Franciscka Lucien, Board Member, Institute for Justice and Development in Haiti
  • Fr. Yves Geffrard, Notre Dame Catholic Mission, Fort Pierce, FL, Haitian Apostolate and Faith in Florida
  • Dr. Keny Felix, Pastor Bethel Evangelical Baptist Church and Faith in Florida
  • Pastor Dieufort J. Fleurissaint, Board Chair, Haitian Americans United, Massachusetts
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