Promoting Strategies for Transparency and Accountability for a Flourishing Democracy in Iraq

10 December 2021  09:00 - 10:00

Virtual Event | Organised by Grace Initiative Global | Held in United States, France, Iraq in English
Contact details: [email protected]
Addressing and fighting corruption
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To sustain and advance a flourishing democratic society, with a predictable rule of law and inclusive human rights, citizens should possess confidence in the predictability of governance. This requires democratic governance rooted in transparency and accountability, which allows for a vibrant civil society and media serving as advocates as well as watch dogs. Through frameworks for accountability and transparency, the government has the capacity to provide reliable basic services, education, health care and access to justice upon which people can rely. In this regard, promoting transparency and accountability diminishes corruption and furthers basic human rights, including for women and minorities. Therefore, transparent and accountable governance is fundamental for a flourishing democracy.

One way to ensure transparency and accountability is to establish forums or local town halls welcoming all citizens, government representatives and political leaders for respectful discourse and inclusive input to policy decision making. Anther governmental mechanisms could include the development of a petroleum fund, which could be monitored domestically, perhaps also with the support of an international body. The fund would set aside funds for ensuring basic public services and fundamental human needs for all citizens, giving everyone a chance for a decent life and hope in a democratic system. A model for a petroleum fund is the fund used in other oil producing countries such as Norway and Timor-Leste. To this end, we envisage a system of transparency and accountability as a nexus for a flourishing democratic society that upholds basic human rights for all citizens.


  • Stephen Eric Bronner is the co-Director of the International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue a political scientist and philosopher, serving as Board of Governors Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Rutgers University, the Director of Global Relations for the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights..  Dr. Bronner has published over 25 books and 200 journal articles. His many writing have been translated into well over a dozen languages.  They include: Blood in the Sand, Peace out of Reach, and the prize winning Moments of Decision and Reclaiming the Enlightenbment. In 2011, he was awarded the ME-Peace Prize by the Middle East Peace Network based in Jersalem.  His most recent work is The Sovereign.
  • Sameer N. Hasan, Founder and Director of the National Institute for Human Rights, Iraq. This organization has been operating for 12 years, mostly in Kurdistan region.  The mission of An independent NGO, non-profit, developmental, works on the dissemination and strengthening of the culture of human rights and democracy, citizenship and peace-building for (children, young people and women) and target the most vulnerable of them over the long term in various regions of Iraq.  The focus is for an Iraqi society which enjoys human rights, democracy, citizenship, and peace. His expertise includes conflict management and resolution, community leadership, and human development. Sameer has a bachelors NIHR’s mission is to promote
  • Dr. Abraham Joseph is an expert on International Economic Policy Development and Practice with over 30 years of experience with the United Nations Senior and the Indian Government. As Senior Socio-Economic Adviser with UN, he contributed to the inputs to the formulation of the United Nations Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development Goals,  adopted by the 193 countries.  He served as Chief/ Senior Socio-Economic Affairs Advisor of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT), and later as senior advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. At the UN, he served with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs; Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, Small Island Developing States; Secretariat of the Chief Executives Board for United Nations System Coordination; Office of the Special Coordinator for Africa; UN/DESA’s Division for Policy Analysis and Research.  Dr. Joseph holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Economics.  Dr. Joseph co-authored a chapter with Takako Hamaguchi “Promoting Peace Through Employment and Income Generation in Post-Conflict Countries” in an edited volume titled “Globalization and Economic Justice”. They co-authored a book (2014) titled “Timor-Leste: The History and Development of Asia’s Newest Nation’
  • Matthias Leitner, has 15 years plus experience international peace and security cooperationis currently serving with the OECD-OCDE, heading up International Cooperation and Stabilization, with a focus on state fragility. Previously, Matthias served with the UN in several peacekeeping and political missions including in Iraq, Guinea Bissau, Timor-Leste, and Afghanistan.  He also served with the Austraian Development Agency for the office in Addis Ababa as well as with the OSCE.
  • Yvonne Lodico, is the Founder of the Grace Initiative Global, an international NGO operating in inter alia Iraq. Further, Grace Initiative has carried out programs at the UN on topics relating to healing and gender empowerment in Iraq, She has also developed programs on coexistence and inclusive communities in Iraq. Ms. Lodico’s previous experience includes more than 17 years as a UN official, in the Secretariat and on five UN peacekeeping missions. In Timor-Leste, she served as the UN Secretary-General’s special adviser on constitutionalism and democratic governance. She taught human rights law, University of Melbourne, Australia; published on humanitarian intervention, peacekeeping, promoting a culture of democratic governance, reconciliation and pluralism. Her academic background includes, JD,LL.M., MIA, MAR.
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