ODI/ICAI Democracy and Human Rights Learning

5 April 2023  16:00 - 17:30

Virtual Event | Organised by ODI | Held in (BST) at ODI London offices or online in
Contact details: [email protected]
Advancing respect for human rights

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to attend an ODI/ICAI democracy and human rights learning event on Wednesday 5th April at 16:00-17:30 BST at ODI London offices or online to discuss and learn from the findings of ICAI latest democracy and human rights review. The review looks at UK support to democracy and human rights globally, over the last seven years, including since the FCDO merger in 2020.

Geo-political re-alignments and democratic reversals of different kinds and shifting civic space, have thrust the question of what kind of international support for democracy and human right is needed, to the top of the global political agenda.

This event will be an opportunity to learn about what has and what has not worked in terms of democracy and human rights support, and to hear from those on the receiving end, specifically organisations that support democracy and human rights, including from the Global South.

Please confirm your attendance via email to Ella Remande-Guyard ([email protected]), please specify if you will be joining us in-person or online.



  • Chair – Kathryn Nwajiaku-Dahou, ODI’s Director of Governance and Politics.
  • Tamsyn Barton, ICAI Chief Commissioner to present main findings.
  • Khawar Mumtaz, former Chairperson of the National Commission on the Status of Women, to comment, including perspectives from the FCDO supported Aawaz programme.
  • Anthony Smith, Director, Westminster Foundation for Democracy will present his perspective.
  • Kanbar Hussein Bor, Deputy Director, Democratic Governance and Media Freedom Department will respond.
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