New Frontiers in Open Budgets: Bolstering Participation for Accountable Outcomes

13 December 2021  09:00 - 10:00

Virtual Event | Organised by International Budget Partnership, Open Government Partnership | Held in United States in English
Contact details: [email protected]
Addressing and fighting corruption
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Over the last decade, many countries have committed to be open about what they’re doing with the public’s money. But transparency is not enough. We need an all-hands-on-deck approach – public auditors, governments, legislators, and the public working together to ensure public monies are spent towards the public interests.
Several country experiences show a more inclusive approach is possible and signal the kinds of commitments local and national governments can pursue as we advance an open government agenda. Civil society and movements are claiming spaces to have a seat at the table where spending decisions are made and playing oversight roles through social audits. From Peru to Sierra Leone, national auditors are forging collaborations with citizens to monitor spending.
Through interactive multimedia experiences and discussions, this event will showcase the voices of change agents who are pushing the frontier with participatory approaches to accountability and spur further action.


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