How Business Can Address Threats to Our Democracy

8 December 2021  12:00 - 01:30

Virtual Event | Organised by Business for America | Held in United States in English
Contact details: [email protected]
Defending against authoritarianism
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The December 8th (12:00pm – 1:15pm ET) webinar will discuss “How Business Can Address the Threats to Democracy”. We’ll focus on the escalating threats to America’s political stability and form of government, and provide a roadmap for individual business and collective action to protect our representative democracy and capitalistic economy. Business relies on a stable political system, supported by clear guardrails and respect for the rule of law, in order to succeed. The economic sustainability of the American economy depends in large part on the different branches of government being able to work cooperatively in a deliberative manner, respect the role of the private sector and not threaten or take punitive actions against companies seen as unsupportive of a particular policy agenda.

The discussion will also focus on the growing risk that market based economies face from authoritarian-minded political leaders and parties here and abroad. We’ll also highlight initiatives that businesses, on their own or in concert with other firms and civic organizations, can take to reduce political polarization, address mis-information and support a healthy democracy.


  • Ian Bassin, founder of Protect Democracy
  • Didi Kuo, Senior Research Scholar and Associate Director for Research at the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law at Stanford University.
  • Joel Elliot,. Senior Director, Federal Affairs, Salesforce
  • Dave Leichtman, Senior Strategist,  Microsoft’s Democracy Forward Initiative
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