Family Planning and Effective, Inclusive, and Accountable Governance

7 December 2021  08:30 - 10:00

Virtual Event | Organised by Population Reference Bureau | Held in United States in English
Contact details: [email protected]
Advancing respect for human rights
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Join the PACE project, Health Policy Plus project, and USAID Center for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance on Tuesday, December 7 for a virtual side event to discuss the multisectoral benefits of investment in family planning, including linkages with effective and inclusive governance, transparent and accountable institutions, and human rights. This roundtable will showcase new analysis showing how commitment to and investment in voluntary family planning can ease the pathway to inclusive and effective governance in the long term. Speakers from Kenya and Guatemala will highlight lessons from family planning programs implemented using approaches that advance civic participation, accountability, and transparency. The roundtable will include time for discussion and audience questions.


  • Lillian Benjamin, Health Officer, Office of Population and Reproductive Health, United States Agency for International Development
  • David Jacobstein, Democracy Specialist, Center for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance, United States Agency for International Development
  • Elizabeth Leahy Madsen, PACE Project Director, Population Reference Bureau
  • Herminia Reyes, HEP+ Guatemala Director, Palladium
  • Chrysantus Shem, PACE Kenya Deputy Country Director, Population Reference Bureau
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