Democracy’s Defenders: What’s At Stake and Why It Matters

6 December 2021  10:00 - 11:00

Virtual Event | Organised by National Democratic Institute | Held in in
Contact details: [email protected]
Defending against authoritarianism
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Autocrats around the world have exploited the weaknesses exposed by the Covid-19 pandemic for their personal gain. Left unchecked, authoritarianism poses a threat to the world’s democracies. NDI’s Democracy Defender’s event will highlight the challenges ahead and demand a united response against autocratic regimes.


  • Opening Remarks by NDI Chair Madeleine K. Albright
  • Keynote Address on “Why Democracy Matters” by Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman
  • Moderated by NDI President Derek Mitchell


  • Ingrida Šimonytė, Lithuanian Prime Minister
  • Goodluck Jonathan, Former Nigerian President
  • Marty Natalegawa, Former Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs
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