Continental Dialogue on Democracy: Dialogue on Corruption on Good Governance in Africa A Pre-Summit Event ahead of the Second Summit for Democracy
29 March 2023 10:00 - 12:00
Virtual Event | Organised by AFRICA UNION ECOSOCC | Held in (CAT) Lusaka, Zambia in English and FrenchContact details: [email protected]
Addressing and fighting corruption
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Tackling corruption and its impact remains a challenge to the continent as it threatens the realization of sustainable development, inclusive growth, and good governance, which are fundamental to the achievement of the aspirations under Agenda 2063. The African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC) in Article 19(4) obligates States Parties to work closely with international, regional, and sub-regional financial organizations to eradicate corruption in development aid and cooperation programs.
Given its mandate as a policy development interface that harnesses civil society expertise to the work of the Africa Union at all levels, ECOSOCC in collaboration with the AUABC, the Open Society Foundation (OFS) and other CSO continental players will be holding a Continental Dialogue on Democracy: A Dialogue on Corruption on Good Governance in Africa on the sidelines of democracy summit on the 29th March 2023.
The Hybrid dialogue, unprecedented in terms of scale, breadth, and depth, will convene hundreds of stakeholders from African leaders, African Union Commission officials, representatives of Member States, African CSOs, UN agencies, development partner institutions, media, academia, and other relevant stakeholders, from across the continent.
This is a unique opportunity for African CSOs and relevant players to hear from these resources together and be part of the big conversation at the same time, in one place, and to hear from the AUCPCC itself an agency of the AUC mandated to lead the fight on corruption on the continent but also here from the CSOs at the forefront engaging on the subject matter.
The Dialogue will provide a platform to highlight the significance of synergies and stronger collaboration between the African Union and CSOs as well as key stakeholders on the anti-corruption landscape including, media and International Organizations and academia among others.
• Richard Ssewakiryanga, CSO & Governance Expert
• Brenda Moore, Deputy Presiding Officer, ECOSOCC
• Charity H. Nchimunya Executive Director, AU Advisory Board Against Corruption
• Dr Navin Beekarry Director General, Independent Board Against Corruption, Mauritius
• Open Society Foundation