Democracy Cohorts Announcements

Democracy Cohorts Announcements

The Summit for Democracy team states the following:

During the Summit for Democracy’s Year of Action, governments, civil society, and private sector stakeholders are coming together through Democracy Cohorts to take concerted action toward commitment implementation in areas of common interest. Each Democracy Cohort brings together governments and authorities that demonstrate political will toward progress on Summit commitments in a specific issue area with key non-governmental stakeholders invested in the outcome. Democracy Cohorts are co-led by governments and civil society. The cohort platform provides opportunities for meaningful dialogue and collaboration among civil society representatives, private sector leaders, philanthropic partners, academics, and government officials on issues vital to good governance and democratic renewal. Please email [email protected] with any questions.

Summit Democracy Cohort Updated List – 2022.08.08

August 9, 2022|Cohorts, News, Resources|
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