Deliberative Democracy and Citizens’ Assemblies Cohort Concept Note

Deliberative Democracy and Citizens’ Assemblies Cohort Concept Note

The Deliberative Democracy and Citizens’ Assemblies Cohort is sponsored by the Government of Ireland and supported by the European Commission.

Citizens’ Assemblies aim to give everyday citizens a much more meaningful role in public decisions by bringing together a random sample of the community with a wide range of views and giving them access to a diversity of sources as well as ample time to discuss questions and concerns. They aim to inform elected representatives of where informed common ground can be found around difficult tradeoffs in a public decision.

With their use at the most senior levels of government growing rapidly, the commitments offer a way for governments to get started with a key technique for making democracy more able to withstand the problems of misinformation and social fragmentation which has been accelerated with the rise of social media.

For any inquiries, or interested in joining the group, please contact the NGO sponsor, the newDemocracy Foundation (Australia) – [email protected]

Find the Concept Note Here

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