Call for Action, Deliberative Democracy and Citizens’ Assembly Cohort

Call for Action, Deliberative Democracy and Citizens’ Assembly Cohort

Today that resolve takes a step towards high level action as the Summit for Democracy’s new Deliberative Democracy and Citizens’ Assembly Cohort  issues a call to action asking over 100 like-minded Summit countries to take a stake in democracy’s evolving success story – deliberative democracy.

The letter [attached] is signed off by DDCA Cohort political co-leaders -Ireland and the European Commission .It invites Presidents/Prime Ministers and Governments including yours for an Expression of Interest in joining our efforts to support any or all of the Cohort’s 11 Commitments to work together on practical and innovative approaches to extending deliberative democracy and Citizens’ Assemblies. These listed Commitments offer a spectrum of potential Government engagement ranging from the simplest -backing the Declaration of Support for deliberative democracy-to more demanding decisions- for example how to practically engage with a new global Marshall plan for deliberative democracy starting in Eastern Europe.

The Cohort asks that you and/or your organisation actively engage over the next month in encouraging your Government to participate in this process. The cohort will formally launch with a virtual event on Tuesday, 17th January, 2023. If you are interest in joining these efforts, participating in any way or have any questions, please get in touch with [email protected]


Find the letter here: Cohort invitation 15.12.22 – signed-1

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