Year of Action: Fostering Support and Trust in Democracy

2 February 2022 -   09:00 - 11:00

Virtual Event | Organised by USAID | Held in United States in English
Contact details: [email protected]
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Please join us on February 2nd, 2022 9-11am Eastern Time for a discussion on citizen support for democracy. As we begin the Year of Action following the first Summit for Democracy held in December 2021, we will explore the topic of citizen support and trust of democratic processes and institutions, gaps in our knowledge and research, and how we can better address these dynamics in our future work.

As President Biden noted in his opening remarks at the 2021 Summit for Democracy, among the most defining challenges of our time is the increasing “dissatisfaction of people all around the world with democratic governments that they feel are failing to deliver for their needs.”

We know citizen support and trust are important elements of democratic resilience and renewal and reversing democratic backsliding. Developing a better understanding of the state of support and trust and the most critical interventions is critical to our work.

We will explore these topics through a series of perspectives to improve our collective understanding of this concept. We also hope to generate a series of areas of inquiry that could be used to inform future research in this area.


  • Tom Carothers, Carnegie Endowment;
  • Tara Dawson McGuinness, New America Foundation;
  • Dr Boniface Dulani, Afrobarometer;
  • Dr Roberto Foa, University of Cambridge;
  • Pippa Norris, Harvard University;
  • Soni Khanal, Program and Learning Manager, Accountability Lab Nepal;
  • Dr Elizabeth Zechmeister, Americasbarometer.
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