Moving from Principles to Practice in Responsible AI around the World: Announcement of the New Global Index on Responsible AI

8 December 2021  09:00 - 10:30

Virtual Event | Organised by Data for Development Network (, Research ICT Africa, International Development Research Centre (IDRC) | Held in Canada in English, with simultaneous French and Spanish translation
Contact details: [email protected]
Advancing respect for human rights
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Join us for a panel discussion with leading voices on artificial intelligence (AI) and society as we announce the Global Index on Responsible AI.

The Global Index is a new initiative of the Data for Development Network (, in collaboration with the South African-based think tank, Research ICT Africa, with support Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The Global Index on Responsible AI will measure progress toward the responsible use and development of artificial intelligence in over 100 countries around the world, from a distinctly human-rights-based perspective. Our intention is to co-create the Global Index with a diverse range of stakeholders in order to ensure its value as a basis for informed decisions by policymakers on the ground. This event will kick off a consultative engagement process and offer initial information about the project, the key partners involved and its expected utility in advancing human rights and democracy in the use and development of AI.


  • Rachel Adams – Global Index on Responsible AI, Research ICT Africa
  • Dr Blade Nzimande, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Republic of South Africa
  • Dominique Charron – VP Programs and Partnerships, IDRC
  • Gallit Dobner – Director, Centre for International Digital Policy
  • Karine Perset – Head, OECD. AI Policy Observatory
  • Jacques Rajotte – Interim Executive Director, CEIMIA
  • Paola Ricaurte Quijano – Professor, ITESM, Feminist AI Research Network
  • Teki Akuetteh – Executive Director, African Digital Rights’  Hub
  • Dafna Feinholz – Chief of Bioethics & Ethics of Sci & Tech, UNESCO
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