A Civil Society Declaration of Democratic Principles on the Occasion of the 2023 Summit for Democracy

A Civil Society Declaration of Democratic Principles on the Occasion of the 2023 Summit for Democracy

March 10th, 2023

CALL FOR ORGANIZATIONAL SIGN-ONS: In preparation for the second Summit for Democracy, 14 civil society leads of cohorts came together to draft a “Civil Society Declaration of Principles,” to serve as a complement to the anticipated government-led Declaration of Principles that will be unveiled during the Summit. The civil society declaration is now OPEN for organizational sign-on. The text of the declaration and list of signatories will be published on the websites of Freedom House, the McCain Institute, and the George W. Bush Center on Monday, March 27, though the deadline for signatories will remain open through Friday, March 31. The declaration’s organizers are in contact with the USG Summit planners and expect that the declaration will be featured during the official Summit agenda (details to be confirmed). If you have any questions about the declaration, please contact [email protected].


The declaration is open for all organizations to sign on, and please feel free to share it within your networks.


Link to Declaration: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rPrxelAIfI_yeSbXkT2oWaSAVWxhoh63U5lzEVg2GG0/edit?usp=sharing

Form to Sign-On: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrRPS0_TmQ-3Xucs2YN_GYijLf4y2Bafp7jMy3joSv21XI1Q/viewform?usp=sf_link

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